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Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2020

Overcome Bloating Stomach in Children with the Right Choice of Milk

Flatulence is a normal condition in children, especially toddlers. Although normal, flatulence in toddlers can make him feel uncomfortable and tend to be fussy. Flatulence can be caused by various things, ranging from food, digestive problems, and the amount of gas that is swallowed. Check out the various causes and ways to overcome flatulence in infants. Flatulence is a feeling of fullness in the stomach because it is filled with gas. If your child often burps, expels winds, and has a hard, full stomach, he may experience bloating. To prevent flatulence in infants, you can avoid giving certain foods and habits that can trigger gas in your child. Causes of Bloated Stomach in Children The following are various simple things that can cause flatulence in children, namely: Lots of swallowing air Crying, sucking thumbs, and drinking milk from a bottle can make your child swallow a lot of air. In addition, children who move everywhere when eating, causing more gas trapped in the